Is Blown-In Attic Insulation Worth It? - A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to insulating your home, there are a variety of options available. From traditional fiberglass insulation to cellulose and blown-in insulation, it can be difficult to decide which type is best for your needs. In this article, we'll take a look at the pros and cons of blown-in attic insulation and help you decide if it's worth the investment. Often, blown insulation in the attic turns out to be much more cost-effective than clad blocks.

Fiberglass is non-combustible and resistant to pests, making it an ideal choice for attic insulation. Unlike traditional forms of insulation, fiberglass is not a good home for rodents, birds, and insects, and is resistant to moisture and mold. The fan must include two 50-foot fans and hoses that can be connected to and enter the attic. If the hoses have to go through the house to reach a slippery (access to the attic) in a hallway or closet, place tarps along the way.

This will keep things tidy during the process and make cleaning much easier. Connect the hoses to the coupler, then use adhesive tape over the coupler to secure the connection. Both cellulose and fiberglass are energy-saving insulating materials, but cellulose has a slight edge due to its higher R value. The R value of cellulose insulation is approximately 3.2 to 3.8 per inch, while fiberglass insulation usually has an R value of 2.2 to 2.7 per inch. This higher R value means that cellulose insulation can provide the same level of insulation as fiberglass, but in a thinner layer. Blow insulation does not expand like spray foam insulation, which reduces its efficiency if you are going to do your own installation.

Remove the existing insulation so you can see all the way to the edge of the eaves and install a ventilation duct in each space of the beam (photo). Current building codes require a minimum amount of insulation in walls and attics, but older homes used to have insufficient insulation, so the solution for some homeowners may be built-in insulation. In recent years, blown insulation for attics has become more popular than insulation with rolled slats, and for good reason. Among the various types of insulation available on the market, two of the most common options for attic insulation are cellulose and fiberglass. You may also qualify for a tax credit on the cost of attic insulation if air is lost (check with the IRS or Energystar). You can insulate the hatch while you're inside the attic or slide it out and do it more comfortably on a tarp outside. Not all types of embedded insulation offer the same thermal value, but in most cases, even adding a little insulation is better than not adding any.

It has a higher R rating and is less expensive than blown insulation, such as fiberglass attic insulation or fiberglass blocks. Blown insulation fills the areas between roof beams and existing wall posts, covering areas that rolled insulation cannot reach. Expanded insulation consists of small pieces of material (such as confetti) that are literally inserted into walls and attics through a long hose. Once you've removed all of the insulation material from the attic, contact your local waste management authority for recommendations and instructions on how to properly dispose of your specific type of insulation. In conclusion, blown-in attic insulation can be an effective way to save energy costs in your home while also providing protection from pests and moisture damage. It's important to consider all factors when deciding whether or not this type of insulation is right for you - from cost savings to installation requirements - so you can make an informed decision.

Victor Mosbarger
Victor Mosbarger

Proud pop culture specialist. Amateur web expert. Extreme bacon ninja. Infuriatingly humble writer. Lifelong coffeeaholic. Incurable musicaholic.